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Credit and Money Management Counseling

Click here to complete your registration and schedule your counseling session today.

Click below to view upcoming workshop dates:

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Many consumers have little understanding of finances, how credit works, and the potential hit to financial well-being that poor financial decisions can create. In fact, a lack of financial understanding has been signaled as one of the main reasons many Americans struggle with saving and investing.

A-1 Community Housing Services provide FREE group education and individual counseling sessions. Your certified housing counselor will cover topics such as:

  • Creating a budget

  • Strategies on how to manage your finances

  • Consequences on falling behind on debt

  • Managing personal assets

  • Reviewing your credit report

  • Prioritizing debts

  • How to reduce debt and expenses

  • Strategies to rebuild your credit

  • How to avoid identity theft and credit scams

During your counseling session your counselor will sit with you to help develop a budget that works for you and your family and create a realistic action plan with measurable goals.

Whatever your goal is in life—whether it's to own a home, buy a car, etc.—a A-1 Community Housing Services is here to help throughout the way and help you understand your money.